Wednesday, August 17, 2005

August 17 update

Hi everyone,

It rained finally last night! It has been so clear and hot for the last month and a half.

I thought I would show you the underground spinkler sytem at our house. It is very convenient. It even has a timing system to when they come on. Yes, they come on automatically. Miho told me they do not have any in Japan so I thought you all might think they are interesting!

Have a great day!

Oh, I have been getting up a little earlier than usual and am running before work! I like it! It starts my day right! When I wake up my first thought is to stay in bed but I get up and leave the house, right away. I start slow and as my body warms up I increase my pace. I stretch as soon as I return home. I am also doing my nightly situps still. Usually after Makaiya goes to bed. My life style is busy but I am using what time I have improve my life! I look at what my weak points are and push myself to strengthen them. I feel great! I hope you all can do the same in Ski racing and life. Lets move forward together, or as the slang is said lets kick ass!

More later!


PS My other weak point was writing my diary! I hope you are enjoying it!

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