Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Return to Canada

Hi all!!!!

First, Thanks for a great season!!!! I appreciate you all so much for training with us!!! I am the luckiest man in the world! It is a true joy watching you improve in ski racing and in life skills. Patients, persistence, hard work, focus, positive attitude, and respectfulness! Keys to success in anything.

I guess some of you may have a few races left in April? After those are finished it is good to take a little time off to unwind after a long season. After that, perhaps starting in May it is time to start preparation for next season. I have never seen or met a fast ski racer that is not fast and strong. So it should be your goal to be faster and stronger! No matter what level you are at. Spring is a great time to improve your body's endurance. If you look on line there are many ways to do this. What age you are is a factor to how high you want your heart at during the training.

Good luck and work hard! I want to see all of you stronger for next season. If you improve your physical fitness you WILL have a successful 2016 2017 season!

1 comment:

モーレツ太郎 said...


Thank you for everything your effort in Japan!
You too, please unwind and rest well!!

Although I understand that how important off season's training
is but when season has changed I forgot easy.

I appreciate your support and help so much.

V/r, Taro