Sunday, May 24, 2009

Golf Games

Good Morning,

It is a Sunny Sunday here in Kelowna! Finally! It has been a cool spring here. Lots of cloudy cool days. Today we are going bike riding with Makaiya and her cousin Taya. Also our house guests David and Melisa.

We are going to Chrissy's Parents for BBQ hamburgers, and some games of lawn bowling.

I have had 3 games of golf this spring. I have shot 80 ,82,and a 83. Not bad but I plan to be shooting in the 70's this summer. I will let you know how it goes.

Bye for now.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Work projects

Hi Everyone,

I hope all of you are doing well! It was a long ski season. It is very important at the end of the season to look back at it! What were your strong points? What points could you improve on? Did you have the strength to finish strong at the end of the race? Be honest. Now if you feel you need more power more strength. This is the season to improve that. We want to be strong and flexible. "Well, working out is inconvenient." I know that! Of course it is. But those who prepare the most have a better chance to win! Or to move to a new personal best.

Ok, I have to be truthful. I have not been working out as much as I use to. When I was racing. Too busy with work. But I have been doing much more so far this spring. I feel great! And I am building more muscle. I have actually been doing work outs with Chrissy. She bought this DVD set Called "Chalean extreme". This site is where she ordered it.
Chrissy used it when she was in Japan and lost 5 inches off her waist. She wants to lose much more. All the work outs are done at home. They are 35 minutes to 1 hour in length. There are many different works out so you do many different movements. The only thing you have to do is buy weights. Of course you must make time to do it. I do it early in the morning before work. Please check the site.

I have been very busy. I rebuilt my work trailer. It looks much better. Maybe I will attach some pictures tomorrow.

Bye for now.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mothers Day brunch

Happy Mothers Day !!

It was this past Sunday for all mothers in Canada. We celebrate Mothers and all that they do for us! Great Job to all of you moms out there.

Chrissy invited all the mothers in our family and some friends. She made it very fancy and the food was yummy! I was the helper and dish washer. All had fun and ended up staying for dinner too. I

Bye for now
